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30 Minutes Per Day, Keeps The Sickness Away
September 12, 2022 at 2:30 AM

One of the most important things you can do for your health is to work out regularly. Physical activity is good for your health for many reasons. Research suggests that only 30 minutes of exercise per day for five days per week is necessary to lower the risk of the following conditions:

heart disease

high blood pressure

type 2 diabetes

high cholesterol

different types of cancer

Exercise is not only limited to heart health. Exercising daily has been linked to improved concentration, better sleeping patterns, decreased anxiety and depressive moods. What is our definition of exercise? Exercise is the physical activity that is planned (intentional), structured and intended body movement to help improve one's health. Excercise plays a pertinent role in both physical and mental health.

Generally, you workout to sweat in the exercise, with increased breathing and heart rate. Despite this understanding, we frequently fail to achieve the recommended amount of exercise. Instead of thinking of all the reasons or excuses as to why we can’t exercise; we should think about what we like to do and when and how we can actually do it. Here are a few tips to help you make exercise a habit. For instance, think about the following:

1) Start small. There's no need to join a gym. You can get a lot of exercises at home and in your neighborhood. If after 10–15 minutes your body tells you to stop, listen to it and stop.

2) Find the right time of day for you. Figure out what time of day works best for you. If you're not a morning person, trying to exercise first thing in the morning is a sure way to fail.

3) Find your fit. If you don't like the idea of jogging or lifting weights, try dancing, swimming, shooting hoops or walking the neighborhood.

4) Friends can make your experience better. When you work out with a friend, neighbor, or family member, you'll enjoy it more. This holds you accountable and keeps you on track for longevity.

5) Reward yourself. After you work out, give yourself a reward like a long lavish soak in the tub, zoning out in front of the TV while eating your favorite healthy snack, or getting your favorite latte at your favorite local coffee shop.

5 Physical Benefits of Exercise

1) Increases your chances of living a longer lifespan

2) Weight management

3) Naturally boosts your immune system (#lifetip: 30 minutes of exercise per day keeps the sickness away)

4) Builds up your endurance, stamina and metabolism

5) Strengthens bones and muscles

5 Mental Wellness Benefits of Exercise

1) Exercise boosts your mood and improves your self-esteem

2) Distracts you from negative thoughts

3) Helps you cope better with stress, depression, and anxiety

4) Gives you a sense of well-being

5) It releases endorphins, the powerful chemicals in your brain that make you feel good

Cleaning the house, doing situps during tv sitcom commercials or simply moving around while you answer business calls at the office are all easy methods to become more active. Fitness entails more than just maintaining a healthy weight. Excercising daily can help you to make an effort to feel better throughout your day, have more energy, and to even be less stressed. As such, the best way to make sustainable changes in your new healthier lifestyle is to work out often enough that it becomes a vital piece of your day.

By beginning to exercise for 30 minutes each day for five days per week (pick your two off days), you can get one step closer to living a physically and emotionally-sound life. Keep in mind that it does not have to be a rigorous workout. Simply walking your neighborhood or a nearby park trail is a fantastic first step towards a healthier lifestyle.

We challenge you to do the following:

-start your journey within the next 3 days

-mark your first workout date and time on your calendar

-jot down a perspective workout buddy and reach out to them

Have an active week! --Blog written by: Shiela Sabello D.

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