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7 Tips To Help Manage Iron Deficiency Anemia
September 19, 2022 at 10:00 AM

exhausted lately?

Does your bed scream your name before you can even walk in Your Front Door?

Iron deficiency anemia is a blood disorder in which affects many people across the globe. Research shows that approximately 7.8 million women are either living with iron deficiency or will be diagnosed with it in the coming year in the US. Iron deficiency is a condition in which occurs when your blood does not have enough healthy red blood cells. In other words, there is not enough iron being produced naturally within the body. Fatigue is the most common symptom of iron deficiency. Iron deficits can also manifest by having a swollen or inflamed tongue. Hair loss is another symptom of the condition. Roughly 3 million cases of this common condition are reportedly every year. Finger-prick methods and blood sample collections are two common ways to have your iron levels checked.

Important Facts To Understand:

  • Anemia= lack of Hemoglobin

  • Iron Deficiency = lack of Iron

  • Iron Deficiency Anemia= both a lack of Iron AND a lack of Hemoglobin

Iron shortage is considered a medical problem, yet there are significant correlations between iron deficiency and mental health issues. The essential mineral iron affects numerous other biological processes. Iron is one of the primary factors in giving us oxygenated blood. It gives us energy for daily living and maintains the health of our immune system and brain activity. Briefly, iron is a nutrient that is necessary for survival. When the body does not have enough iron, an iron deficit develops. This process can arise by having the following common scenarios:

1. a diet low in iron; 2. perspiration loss; 3. heavy menstrual bleeding in women; 4. intestinal cell tearing

The Correlation Between iron deficiency & mental health

Iron plays a key role of making hemoglobin, which is a protein that helps red blood cells carry oxygen to your tissues and muscles. Since iron is an important part of how the brain works and how humans function, having low iron levels in the body can put one at risk for bipolar disorder, among other mental health problems.

Iron production facilitates dopamine production and transmitters in the brain that makes you feel "happy". Most likely there is a lack of dopamine production when there is an iron deficency. This explains the correlation of IDA on depression, anxiety, and movement disorders like restless leg syndrome. IDA is also known to increase the risk of psychiatric disorders like Schizophrenia, including mood disorders, autism spectrum disorder, ADHD and developmental disorders (in children). This iron-dopamine interaction might therefore conceivably account for symptoms in patients with Schizophrenia.



7 Tips that you can use to help manage Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA):

1. Talk therapy. Talking to a Psychotherapist, a Psychologist or a Life Coach will allow you to address the underlying reasons for anxiety, depression or mental Psychosis. What is Psychosis? A mental illness in which one is no longer in touch with reality [CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO]

2. Medication. If your anxiety and depression symptoms are severe and are affecting your quality of life, your doctor may suggest different medicines; such as anti-anxiety and antidepressant drugs, to help ease your anxiety and improve your mood.


3. Supplementation. Consuming a daily iron supplement and eating a diet rich in iron are the most important thing you can do to treat IDA and better cope with the condition. Remember that nutrition is essential and beneficial for controlling numerous Iron Deficiency Anemia symptoms and reducing its emotional effects.

Top Animal-based Sources of Iron

Red meat


Liver and other organs of meat

Fish or Shellfish


Iron is a vital mineral that must be frequently eaten, especially if your body cannot create enough on it's own. However, it should be understood that some people must restrict their consumption of red meat and other heme iron-rich meals. Although, the majority of people can simply control how much food they ingest. If you don't eat meat or fish, keep in mind that consuming plant-based iron sources together with a supply of Vitamin C will help increase iron absorption. These sources are as follows:

Top Plant-based Sources of Iron



Pumpkin seeds



Disclaimer: Constipation is the most common side effect of iron supplementation, in addition to stomach pain and nausea. Bad bacteria in the gut are fed by excess iron that the body does not use.

4.Increase Your Vitamin C Intake . Other than animal products, vitamin C is the only dietary element that has been proven to enhance iron absorption.

Here is a link to the Vitamin C powder that Dr. Smith consumes and suggests: VITAMIN C PRODUCT

5. Be Mindful of Caffeine. While taking iron-rich meals and iron supplements, avoid large amounts of caffeinated beverages and set limits on consumption frequency. Research shows that coffee and tea can reduce the body's iron absorption ability. Therefore, one should not drink caffeinated beverages within one hour of meal time.

Have you ever given Matcha Tea a try rather than your traditional cup of coffee? Both coffee and matcha containes caffeine. However, Matcha contains another component that coffee does not, called L-Theanine. L-Theanine is an amino acid or protein molecule that has a calming effect on the body, with the effect that the caffeine gives a sustained energy boost for 6-8 hours. Needless to say, coffee can raise hormone levels which can cause anxiety and jittery sensations. Matcha's L-Theanine is known to promote concentration, help you to react faster, and stimulate memory retention.

6. Get Moving. IDA can drain you and steal your motivation to work out. However, regular exercise can help you feel less exhausted over time and give you more energy. Do your best to maintain motion. 30 minutes of exercise for 5 days per week is all it takes! Take the HCS Exercise Challenge Today:

7. Drink More Water. Regardless of what has caused your exhaustion, mild dehydration might potentially even worsen it. Nevertheless, simply don’t forget to drink enough water. We recommend at least 4 bottles of water per day.

Making adjustments to one's diet, keeping track of when to take vitamins and other medications, and saving energy may first seem difficult, but they will ultimately become second nature. Adapt to new circumstances by taking things one stride at a time, and do not stop going forward. If you feel like you need help, don't be afraid to ask for it, whether it's from a friend, a medical expert or us by clicking "GET IN TOUCH" below. You are not alone.

Medically reviewed September 2022






Association between psychiatric disorders and iron deficiency anemia among children and adolescents: a nationwide population-based study - PMC (

Psychiatric disorders risk in patients with iron deficiency anemia and association with iron supplementation medications: a nationwide database analysis | BMC Psychiatry | Full Text (

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